Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1993-04-08 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

1993-04-08                     Senate Journal                      Page 1283
SB 85                                                                        
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 85(FIN) am "An Act deleting a                           
requirement that certain members of the board of directors of the              
Alaska Tourism Marketing Council be substantially involved in a                
visitor or recreation industry business; relating to the selection of a        
presiding officer for the Alaska Tourism Marketing Council;                    
requiring that the council's tourism marketing program include                 
promotion of the state as a destination and promotion of all forms             
of travel to the state, including travel by air, highway, and water;           
extending the termination date of the Alaska Tourism Marketing                 
Council; requiring the council to consider methods to fund tourism             
marketing using both public and private assets and to consider                 
methods to provide for the financial self-sufficiency of the council;          
and providing for an effective date" was engrossed, signed by the              
President and Secretary and transmitted to the House for                       